Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

True family story

On 5 January 1990 Friday birth to a baby girl who has been named Beau Purnamasari, a good name. Beautiful life in the family were devout and disciplined, beautiful son was also born as single, have a lot to bear the major responsibility for his family although in only three of our family who live in that house into a beautiful responsibility if head of household is father was not able to work . My father was just a businessman who sells vegetables at home who used to be around now have started to sell the house after my father's success in business and have a very sedehana own house but I am very grateful to have their own home without having it used that is contracted for 10 years from me yet born until I was born and move my own home when my 4th grade in which time I only have male friends but my daughter da less close.
After I began to occupy my own house I started to lose my friends house once and I live in the housing complex where a child is rarely played in the daytime and at night, they only play during the afternoon and it was only 2 hour or 1 hour and they were playing outside their house after that night no one came out different from my friends contracted time. But it's okay maybe I should be able to adapt to new environments as I was.
Then I graduated elementary school "Primary School" and go to junior "secondary school" that is located close to my house so if I go to school just to walk when I ride my bicycle bicycle afraid to miss school because I never take a bike to school when I was in elementary school because of my frequency of going to school and walking home from school when I forgot to bring my bike home because at that time I'm bringing my bike and finally back to school and take my bike in the school after the incident did not bring my bike again until I now have entered in the junior high school I never even bring a bike again.
Graduation junior "secondary school" I went into high school "high school" that's what my mama register. I was never given a chance to give my opinion until I went to college so now all kind of parents but more frequency depending on mama sha. First enter the first regular high school course no one impressed me because of all the classes from grade one to grade 3 my high school all my friends to have genk all or in groups on their own impression is therefore of high school for my usual possible for another period of high school is the most memorable.
Long story short I've graduated from high school and then pursue graduate studies at the private sya I'd want to go in UNJ "State University of Jakarta," but parents do not allow as much and should nge-kost back home even though home but parents may also want to study a nearby course. I think it was IIA. When I began to know the guy and I've been in a relationship for 10 months and when the boys were coming home just want to just play and know with my parents but my mom did not agree because my mom wanted her son to finish college first but mama is not happy with choice My mama did not need to insult my choice simply by advising, or how is the origin in a positive way. Since then I've been resentful at my mom who never appreciated her own choices and opinions and always comparing his premises of others is not necessarily that compared with his son better than his son and the father of the patient only receives every day from his nagging wife by mistake made yourself and take it out to the children and husband.
Thus the story about my family, if there are similarities as a writer I'm sorry and sorry I can not mention the names concerned.

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